Colac Colac Caravan Park Master Plan, Vic
Sustainable Park Solutions was engaged by the Towong Shire to prepare a Master Plan and Business Plan for the Colac Colac Caravan Park. The plan identified a range of existing and new markets for the park including cycling, motor cycle clubs, school groups and special events groups.
Based on these new markets and existing markets including young families and grey nomads a range of new guest facilities, recreational facilities and guest accommodation were recommended including a new indoor/outdoor camp kitchen and games room, amenities block, children’s water park and playground, new front office and provedore and bunkhouse and safari huts.
The plan included a detailed financial model and a ROI calculations and based on this work and the plan the Towong Shire Council was awarded $500,000 for the redevelopment of the Colac Colac Caravan Park, part of the Victorian Governments Bushfire Tourism and Business Fund that focuses on projects to attract visitors and support local jobs in bushfire-affected areas.
Redevelopment works are expected to commence shortly with priority works including the new amenities block and the camp kitchen.